Code of conduct - Tammermatic

Code of conduct


1 General guidelines

1.1  Tammermatic Oy Ethics policies

Tammermatic Oy ethics guide lines are based on the values of our company and on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.

Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Responsible businesses enact the same values and principles wherever they have a presence, and know that good practices in one area do not offset harm in another. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures, and establishing a culture of integrity, companies are not only upholding their basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.

The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact are derived from: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

These principles mentioned above guide our actions in everything we do, everywhere in the world.

The purpose of our Code of Conduct is to provide all Tammermatic employees (including supervisors and management) with guidance on the company’s core values and policies. The Code of Conduct provides guidance on how anyone can act ethically and comply with applicable laws in their daily lives. All Tammermatic employees, suppliers, customers and other partners are required to act honestly and in accordance with this Code of Conduct, international business practices, and all applicable laws and regulations.

2       Personnel

2.1 Honesty and reliability
We appreciate the strong commitment of our talented employees. Your attitude to your colleagues should be like being a member of the Winning Team. An open relationship between superiors and subordinates should be based on mutual respect and integrity. Every team member is responsible for building a positive working climate. Tammermatic expects each employee to feel a responsibility to improve the company´s reputation and do everything possible to avoid damaging it.

2.2 Equal treatment
We care about our personnel. Tammermatic is committed to treating all employees fairly regardless of the colour of their skin, their race, gender, religion, nationality, political opinion, sexual orientation, social origins, age or disability. Tammermatic is also committed to ensure equal pay for men and women for skill, work and contribution to company results of equal value.

2.3 Personnel development
Tammermatic acknowledges the talents of its employees and wishes to develop these for collective and individual benefit. We recognize that the development of the skill base of all employees is a key success factor. Therefore, Tammermatic implements a Human Resources development policy based on, but not limited to:

supporting training with the aim of good performance and high quality of work;

·       encouraging cross-national and cross-functional teamwork; and

·       promoting the careers of its technical experts.

2.4 Work safety
Tammermatic is committed to maintaining and permanently improving safe and healthy working conditions for its employees and will not tolerate any type of physical, sexual or psychological harassment, abuse or intimidation. Company Health and Safety policy is based on evaluation, anticipation and risk management. Employees are supposed to consider their own health and safety, as well as that of their co-workers, and act accordingly. Each employee is obliged to follow the local safety legislation and regulations.

3 Company

3.1 Conflicts of interest
Tammermatic employees must avoid any situation that may create or appear to create a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of Tammermatic.

Relationships between Tammermatic and our business partners, suppliers as well as governmental administrations and employees must be governed by transparency, in particular with respect to purchase contacts and sales relations. This is equally true with regard to relations with former Tammermatic employees directly or indirectly providing services and goods to our company.

Any actual or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed by the employee or director who may be in a conflict situation. Disclosure shall be made to one´s superior, his/her superior or a member of the Human Resources Department.

3.2 Company property
No company property (including documents and information) can be accessed, used, disclosed or modified without proper authorization, and shall in no case be stolen, damaged or destroyed (unless destruction is required for legitimate business purposes).

Employees contribute to the promotion and protection of the company and its image through their actions and general behaviour. Tammermatic expects all of its employees and business partners to protect our tangible and intangible assets as well as our reputation. Such assets include physical property, plant equipment and inventory, securities and cash, office equipment and supplies, information systems, software, patents, trademarks, copyrights and other proprietary information and know-how.

Generally, Tammermatic’s property shall be used for professional purposes only. All goods, such as professional instruments, tools, etc. placed at the disposal of employees must be treated with the greatest possible care.

Tammermatic employees must respect and protect the property and rights of third parties in the same manner as those of Tammermatic.

3.3 Intangible assets

All employees having access to Tammermatic intellectual property must preserve the intellectual property rights of Tammermatic and respect those of third parties.

One of Tammermatic’s most valuable assets is its intellectual property which includes patents, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights and other proprietary information. It is Tammermatic policy to establish, protect, maintain and defend its rights in all commercially significant intellectual property and use those rights in responsible ways. Tammermatic employees must take steps to safeguard these assets.

We respect the valid intellectual property rights of others and will not reproduce or use such property rights, software or other technology except as permitted by an applicable license agreement or by law.

3.4 Confidential information
Confidential information is information that Tammermatic companies use when conducting business, and which is not publicly accessible. This includes, for example, technical drawings, layouts, moulds, source codes and all know-how related to our business as well as business surveys, new product feature plans, strategic plans, financial plans, price information, and employee, customer and vendor lists as well as all information related to customers is confidential information, which has to be stored properly and safely.

Business secrets and confidential information including know-how:

·       may only be handed over to authorized employees on a “need to know” basis at Tammermatic;

·       may not be handed over or disclosed to third parties;

·       may not be used to benefit oneself or third party.


3.5 Proper and reasonable use of communication systems
The use of IT resources owned by the Tammermatic, for example, PCs, laptops, all software and other hardware as well as mobiles, etc, is expected to be liable and according to company IT-policies and guidelines. The use of company communication systems serves company interests. Excessive use, i.e. use extending beyond limited and occasional private use, is not permitted.

3.6 Social media
As social networking expands, employees must understand that by placing information, thoughts, or ideas up on social networking website, there is no implied guaranteed privacy, regardless of where the internet or social networking website is connected from. By placing comments related to discrimination, confidential information, trade-marks, harassment, non-compete, and other behaviours that are governed by Tammermatic policy up on a social networking website, you will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Tammermatic reserves the right to copyright items and logos, and these may not be used without permission. Discretion must be used when an employee considers posting anything on the internet/social media about Tammermatic companies, properties, trademarks, customers, copyright items, and employees.

3.7 Authorization to sign
Only the managing director or signing clerks are allowed to sign binding contracts or agreements on behalf of our company.

3.7 Proper accounting
According to the company policy the booking of all business transactions have to be real and accurate. The financial reports of Tammermatic have to give a true and fair view of the company. All employees involved in the accounting process are accountable for the authenticity of the transactions as well as proper processing of accounting data. All payments have to be properly approved by authorized persons, and each payment request must always be approved by an authorized member of the Finance & Administration Department.

3.8 Shareholders
Tammermatic conducts its business in accordance with internationally accepted standards for the management (Corporate Governance). The management regularly and punctually gives information about activities, structure, financial situation and business results.

4. Business partners
4.1 Customers
Tammermatic offers high quality products and services providing added value for the customers. Fair treatment of all customers is a base for good and sustainable business relations. We keep all information related to the customers and other business partners strictly confidential.

4.2 Suppliers
Tammermatic strives to make relationships with suppliers and other business partners mutually beneficial.

4.3 Other stakeholders
Tammermatic promotes openness and transparency as well as ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders.

5. Fair Competition
Employees must comply with applicable competition laws. Tammermatic is committed to complying with the antitrust and competition laws on a global basis in all of its activities. Tammermatic employees must neither propose nor enter into any form of agreement:

·       with any competitor regarding any aspect of the competition between Tammermatic and the competitors for sales to or supply from third parties; or

·       with customers or suppliers which would restrict the price or terms at which the customer or Tammermatic may resell or lease any product or service to a third party.

The company viewpoint is that all communication about confidential information with third parties is strictly forbidden. Employees are expected not to discuss with competitors, for example, about the following subjects:

·       prices, especially purchase prices of raw materials and sales prices of the products;

·       pricing policy, e.g. whether the setting of prices is based on hourly calculations or summary cost;

·       information which people can draw a conclusion about the cost structure;

·       sales regions;

·       sources of supply:

·       purchase or sales volumes;

·       market shares:

·       production plans, investments, capacity utilization rate, downtime, inventories in stock;

·       sales volumes of customers:

·       terms of sales to the customers, warranty periods;

·       terms of sales of the suppliers;

·       leads or quotes;

·       plans for certain customer or customer group, supplier or supplier group or a third competitor;

·       any other confidential technical or financial information.

The acceptance or donation of reasonable gifts or other advantages is only permitted after the approval of the relevant manager or supervisor, and provided that the goods or advantages received are of reasonable value. Employees must ensure that the offer and/or acceptance of such gifts or other advantages is in line with the reasonable and ethical practices of the marketplace, does not create a conflict of interest and could not reasonably be construed in any way as an attempt by the offering party to secure favourable treatment. Any attempt to offer a bribe must be rejected immediately.

6. Government, laws and regulations
Tammermatic has built and implements on a continuing basis, policies and procedures designed for respecting such guidelines and conventions, including the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Anti-Bribery Convention, the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization´s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and more generally the Humanitarian International Law.

We comply with all applicable laws and regulations when doing business locally as well as internationally.

Employees involved in the import or export of goods, services or technology must be aware of and ensure compliance with applicable regulations. They must also ensure the accuracy of export/import documentation. Tammermatic employees must comply with all export control and import control regulations that govern the exportation and importation of commodities and technical data. Employees must also obtain approvals from their Supervisor regarding specific types of activities and should consult the Finance & Administration Department for more information. Employees must provide truthful and accurate information in connection with any export transaction (including information about technology and economic value).

All company records (including written documents and electronic data) regarding business transactions must be stored according to laws and regulations as well as company policy. Please contact the Finance & Administration Department for further information.

In case of disputes and legal cases, all documents, emails and other material must be stored carefully and even longer than according to the company policy. If you are unaware of whether the document is related to a legal case or dispute, please consult the Finance & Administration Department before destroying the document. Also, all emails related to legal cases or disputes have to be stored according to these instructions.


7. Public appearance
From a general standpoint, all information statements, and in particular press releases, shall be approved by the management prior to publication. All employees representing the company in public must ensure that such representation exclusively takes the specified form and has the approved content. External enquiries are only to be responded to by the responsible persons. This means, for example, that enquiries from the press or shareholders are to be forwarded to the management.

Employees should not engage in sponsorships or donations on behalf of Tammermatic without proper authorization from the management.

8. Society
Tammermatic is committed to respect Human Rights. We oppose illegal use of child labour and other exploitative inhuman treatment of workforce all over the world. We work towards this principle by terminating a business relation, if the business partner breaks against these regulations.

9. Environment
Tammermatic is fully conscious that its business interacts with the environment and therefore considers that protecting the environment is fundamental to its approach of citizenship. As such, the company is entirely committed to involving all employees in environmental risk deduction and the development of environmentally sound technologies.

Tammermatic entities must ensure compliance with the environment laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate. The company must ensure compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. We have a certified management system for the environment.

Tammermatic takes into account environmental criteria of its activities in all phases of products´ life cycles, from conception and design, to operation, manufacturing, maintenance and disposal. We support actively the participation of employees in developing new products and technologies that promote resource conservation, facilitate recycling and preserve the natural environment.