Water recycling - Tammermatic

Water recycling

Saving water

Water is constantly becoming more and more valuable, and that is why special attention has been paid to water consumption in Tammermatic’s machines. The water used for automatic wash of vehicles can also be recycled. This reduces water consumption and the amount of wastewater generated, reducing the environmental impact of the entire wash operation.

Water recycling or water purification?

Water recycling and water purification systems are easily confused as terms.

Water recycling systems work on the principle of biological cleaning, and recycled water contains detergent residues.

In water purification systems, on the other hand, the purification takes place with the help of chemicals and the purified water corresponds to household water.

Recycled water works excellently in car wash, and it is not necessarily profitable or appropriate to invest in a water purification system that is many times more expensive.

Water consumption is reduced

Reduces the water consumption at automatic vehicle wash stations.

Wastewater minimization

Only a small part of the water used ends up in the wastewater drain.

For all vehicles

It is possible to use water recycling for washing all vehicles: cars as well as heavy machinery.

Remote access

It is possible to monitor the operation of the system and change the settings remotely.

Recycling rate

The system recycles all the water that ends up in it. The realistic water recycling rate is over 80%, depending on the customer’s washing programs.

Eco/Swan-labelled chemicals

When the customer buys the washing chemicals through Tammermatic, they can be confident of their compatibility with the water recycling plant.

Operating principle in short

The wash water from the vehicles contains sand, dirt and chemicals and waxes.

A sand separator removes the sand. After that, the biological bacterial strain uses dirt from biodegradable detergents and vehicles for nutrition. With good oxidation and bacterial activity, sludge is formed from detergents and dirt, which settles to the bottom of the sludge tank.

Next, the water moves to the aeration/pump tank, where abundant oxidation is carried out and the oxidized water is lifted by a submersible pump to the sand filter of the system in the technical room and is filtered.

Through the filter, the water goes to the storage tank, from which the water is used in high-pressure and brush water for the wash machine. The overflow returns back to the sludge tank and starts a new cycle from there. The system works 24/7.

Fresh water is used in the washing phase of the car and for applying waxes. Fresh water is also needed from time to time, because some water always leaves the wash bay with the cars and evaporates anyway when the doors are opened. The system monitors the salinity of the wash water (electrical conductivity of the water) and, if necessary, dilutes the recycled water with fresh water.

The system does not require additional chemicals to work. The most important for the operation are biodegradable (Eco labelled) detergents and car dirt, and most importantly a proper oxidation system, so that the bacterial strain lives and works. Due to the functionality of the system, the use of non-biodegradable chemicals is prohibited, because the effect of hydrocarbons, solvents, etc. is harmful to the living bacterial strain.

If the system fails, wash operation is not interrupted, but the washing continues with fresh water. Only after a power failure must the system be restarted manually.

Sand and sludge to be emptied do not require special treatment due to their biodegradable components.